Monday 7 March 2011

very new to this ..

Well I don't really know where to start to be honest. I created this blog to write down things that are going on in my life, good & bad, happy & sad. So far my life hasn't been very much of a smooth ride. I was born in England, single parent family, my Dad was around but not as much as I needed I guess. I have always found it hard to make friends, Im quite shy but once I know you, Im fine LOL. Was bullied through out school, I don't know why? I wasn't different, just your normal girl, I didn't get into trouble or do drugs, maybe I wasn't "cool" enough for those around me. I moved to Canada at 15 turning 16 & I hated it to begin with. For some reason I missed the so-called friends back home & the boyfriend I had at the time who really was a waste of space. I still remember my first day at my new school & my first ever math class when this 'tall, dark & handsome LOL' guy walked into the room & for some reason I knew there was something about him but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. Well what do you know, that guy changed my world f o r e v e r ! It wasn't the best relationship to begin with, I don't even think we ever had that honeymoon period most people experience, but I was in love, 16 & in love still sounds crazy now, like I should call it puppy love haha. At 17 our relationship hit a bump (literally) when I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant just before our 1 year anniversary .. it was a huge shock, not planned, just failed birth control. I didn't ever think I would be in that situation, I took the pill everyday at the same time but my doctor then tells me once pregnant that it was the weakest form /: Hard to get used at first, I think because when your first pregnant there is no way of telling, no bump, no feeling it move - no stamp on your fore head saying "Im pregnant" but .. when I went to have an ultra sound done at 6 weeks, a day I will never in my life forget, there on the screen was just this circle looking thing with a heart beat & I knew from that moment I was completely in love. Well anyway - it was a great pregnancy but my son decided to make an early entrance to the world - born 8 weeks early 4lbs 1Ooz, he was so small & so perfect. It was hard at first not being able to take him home straight away but when I did I was in heaven. I thought it would be a lot harder to be a mother, young one at that, but I have loved every minute of it. Some people say they were born to be an artist or doctor (something like that) I was born to be a mother. No Im not glamorizing being a teen mom, it is different for everyone, but I love my son & I want nothing more than to spend each & every day with him. His daddy & I are still together & have our 4th anniversary coming up ! My life sucked till they came along & now I look forward to the future (: Im still lacking in the friends department, none seem to stick around or have time for someone with a child but what I do have is more than a handful true online mom friends that have stuck by me through everything, who we share all our experiences with (love you guys) & an amazing family who has supported me through everything & never told me I couldn't do it. Thats all I have to say about that .. TTFN xx